Career Coaching

We all want to do and be better.

No matter whether you are having a career challenge, are grappling with a dilemma at work, wanting to be a more effective leader or executive or negotiate a better salary and career for yourself, we tailor coaching to you. Our coaching programs are designed to engage you in a unique and fulfilling way. We are sensitive to what you need and will guide you through a tailored process to explore and clearly identify your real worth.

We approach coaching as the experienced enthusiasts we are, asking ourselves, ‘is this something we would want to do?’ We look carefully at the potential impact the learning can have on you – being mindful of treating each person as a person, listening to your needs and story and tailoring the coaching experience appropriately for whatever your career dilemma is.

We want to inspire and motivate our clients. By passing on our knowledge we hope to guide you to appreciate your worth differently and create a more confident you going into your next negotiation.

Individual Career Coaching

Are you getting paid what you’re worth?

Your Dilemma: 

  • You’re negotiating a new role and salary

  • You’re about to go into a career conversation at work

  • You’re preparing for your performance review

Don’t know where to start solving a problem at work?

Your Dilemma: 

  • You’re having difficulty with your team dynamics

  • Need help resolving a challenging business issue

  • You need an outside perspective on an issue or looming crisis at work

Are you ready for a career change?

Your Dilemma: 

  • You're at a cross-roads with your career and not sure what’s next.

  • You’ve lost your enthusiasm and are looking for your next role and new challenge.

  • You’ve realised you don’t actually like your job and want to find a path forward.

Catherine Heilemann - The Salary Coach

Meet the Coach

Catherine Heilemann

When I work with you, I start by listening to you. I ask you questions to get to the core of what is challenging you and what you want to achieve. Then together we create your pathway forward.


I won’t shoe-horn you into a job or path that you’re not happy with. It is your career, your life and I will honour that as I walk with you through this phase of your career.

Are you getting paid what you’re worth?

How we help you:

  • Pre-work activities so that we hit the ground running in our session.

  • Tailored 1:1 coaching preparing you for your negotiation

  • Constructive personalised feedback that will have you feeling confident, in control and ready for your next career move.  

We’ll Cover:

  • The skills and tips so you won’t take no for an answer when negotiating for your future.

  • Advanced interview preparation (if needed)

  • Understanding, what, when and how you can prepare for any negotiation.

  • Negotiating your salary to match your worth.


Don’t know where to start solving a problem at work?

How we help you:

  • 1:1 conversation with your coach who takes the role of objective observer

  • Your coach will help you untangle the situation and plan for the best-case scenario and give you the skills to approach it with diplomacy and assertiveness.

We’ll Cover:

  • Identifying and resolving conflict

  • Ways that you can approach a situation with diplomacy and assertiveness.

Ready for a career change?

How we help you:

  • Pre-work activities so that we hit the ground running in our session.

  • Tailored 1:1 coaching preparing you for your next career step

  • Constructive personalised feedback that will have you feeling confident, in control and ready for your next career move.

We’ll Cover:

  • Help identify your skills and achievements so that you take your next career step, knowing your true worth.

Get your free negotiation planner now.

Simply enter your details and we will send you the negotiation planner, which will help you take your first steps towards getting the salary you know you’re worth.