Outplacement services
If you have just received news that your role is being made redundant you will likely be thinking and feeling many things. Upon receiving the news, the first thing is that you will want to feel safe. That may mean debriefing with a trusted friend at work or it may mean going straight to your sanctuary – home; where the smells, feeling, tastes and people that you hold most dear are – or will be there as soon as you invite them in.
The shock of losing your job is often so significant it may bring out all sorts of feelings and thoughts. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself crying – maybe a lot, maybe intermittently. You are starting to come to terms with a very significant change. There will be thoughts of ‘is it me?’ ‘I thought I was good at my job’ ‘Will I be able to get another job?’ ‘Who are my friends?’ ‘Will I be OK?’
Your boss will speak to you about the outplacement service that is available to you. The kind of program that is offered will depend on your seniority in the organisation. We encourage you to think about what you want. You may be able to negotiate with your boss the type(s) of services that you want to access.
Finding help after being made redundant
For further help and support you may want to also explore:
1. Support for dealing with the shock of the news, impending change and preparing for what’s next in redundancy: As you navigate the change in your circumstances you will then start to think about what next. At The Salary Coach we are able to help you with that process by working with you through those initial stages of feeling like your world has been tipped upside down through to what your hopes are and taking action to achieve those goals. We have a unique service in this space and work with you as a person, what you want for yourself and how to go about it.
2. What are your rights when you’re made redundant? To find out what your rights are we recommend taking a look at the Fair Work site. They have very good information and links to other helpful resources.
3. SEEK’s honest truth about redundancy. Read it here.
4. Understanding financial and taxation implications. The ATO have a great resource and information page to help you understand the financial implications of the situation.
5. Champagne anyone? If you can, take the money and run! Being able to start thinking about the future and the fun and adventure it may contain can help to counterbalance the shock and grief. Read more here.