What a percentage in pay rise would mean to your life?

What a percentage in pay rise would mean to your life?

A bag full of money – what would you do with that?
Buy fish and chips, Bluefin Tuna fillet or in between?

No matter your taste or style, we all know money helps us feel safe. Safe in the knowledge we have a roof over our heads. Safe in the knowledge we have food on our plate. Safe that we will be OK. And if you have extra money, you can build a nest egg and feel safer. Be able to bask in the comfort of that safety, what it means to you and how it makes you feel.

I find when I feel safer, I think about different things, I feel different, and I have more fun. Just how much of that are you aiming for, for yourself?

One of the best ways to turn your dreams into reality is to set yourself up for a pay rise.

Your gate way to safety – 3 tips for setting yourself up for a pay rise:

  1. Imagine what the pay rise will mean to you – the difference of 3, 5 of 7% can be huge. Perhaps you’ll be able to have Bluefin Tuna for the first time at a swanky restaurant? Visualise it for yourself… it means a lot!
  2. Get your gameplan together. Map out how you will approach the discussion, what points you want to make, how you will word the ask, how you will respond to any blockers presented
  3. Practice on your own, with someone you trust and who will also be truthful, and practice videoing yourself. Review, make changes and then practise some more

Call it your conscious success formula.

People talk about pay rises, pay gaps, when the right time is to ask for a raise, when is the right time to prepare for asking for a raise. As an ex-HR leader, I can tell you, all of the time is the right time to be preparing. Don’t stop preparing – ever!

Proof this is a big topic and is on most people’s minds perpetually? I commissioned some market research and found that pay rises are a perpetual and transformational subject. Whether it be the gender pay gap, lack of pay rise, finding out how to earn more – the list goes on. People like Elon Musk want more, my 19 year old nephew wants more.

Seek say: 26% of (people) say they will only earn a pay rise if they perform well. I ask, who determines that? Yes, there will be KPIs for you to perform to. And if you’re not continually tending your garden of achievements and value and showing off your produce you probably won’t think you’ve earned it and won’t ask. Your boss won’t think so either. You see, it starts with YOU!

Now go get em!

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