Over 50 & made redundant – How to get to the root of your value as a Professional

Redundant in your 50s

50 is the new 40! I’ve heard that said so many times, yet when it comes to career, I’m not sure it is the new 40. For many, their career at 40 is not what it turns out to be at 50. At 50 I had a major turning point, a redundancy and then the big ‘what next’ phase. The market didn’t want my skills and experience the way it had when I was 40, that was hard, painful, and depressing. 

Advantages of being 50

At 50, people have 10 years more experience in life and in career than a 40-year-old, that’s pointing out the obvious I know – but the point is that at 50 you can more easily see how situations will play out. A 50 year old may be getting tired of the same old routine and yet be fearful of what the effect of making changes in their career life might be . There could also be fear about what it might be like to have a ‘fall from grace’’, which feels much further than it is when you’re in your 30s and 40s.  There may also be fear of being ‘too old’, or that the young ones will come up the ranks and bite on your heels.  

You can continue with a fruitful career after redundancy

I have some good news for you… there is plenty of time for you to have a fruitful and satisfying career. I’m five years into my 50s and absolutely love the career life I am crafting for myself. How am I achieving this? First off, I have taken good amounts of time to know my worth and the value I provide. Like Kentucky Fried Chicken there is a secret recipe. My secret sauce is knowing my worth, it helps me to advocate my value in new ways, and you can also benefit from it.  I have created an online module to help you identify and understand your value, in order to be able to communicate it

Redundancy and your value

I have had people say to me that they used to think they ‘just did a job’ and weren’t proud of where they worked, because they didn’t appreciate the value and importance of what they do for work and how that impacts the organisation and/or community in a positive way. I’ve helped countless people really understand their value and to see them begin to brim with pride when they think about their value is heart-warming. It makes it all worth it – just like they are worth it. 

When we talk value, we talk about outcome value and show you how to create short and impactful statements that demonstrate why your boss, colleagues or potential new boss should sit up and take notice of you. 

Learn how to understand and communicate your value

in our Know Your Worth Program

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