Does self-doubt have you thinking you are an imposter?
Have you ever thought to yourself that you’ll be found out to be an imposter? Perhaps you’ve thought to yourself that you ‘can’t do’ something, or that you’ve never been any good at something. That sneaky, creeping feeling of self-doubt is in all of us. No matter whether you’re a CEO, General Manager, Senior Manager, every day worker – everyone has times when self-doubt creeps in.
I’m sure the exiting CEO of Rio Tinto and his colleagues who have resigned over the Juukan Gorge blast debacle will be second guessing what they could have done differently, what they will do differently, whether they are up for the job or not. Self-doubt if not already present will most likely be present with them in the coming days and weeks.
A CEO client of The Salary Coach recently wanted to discuss their own space in terms of their ability in their job. As we discussed their contribution over a number of years I said ‘you’re the strategically steady captain that organisations need when navigating substantial change’, this tall and imposing man looked at me, his head shifted upwards and his shoulders squared and strengthened – his posture became prouder. It seemed to dawn on my client that he was this and he said ‘yes… I am’. There was a little hesitation in his response and the way he acknowledge this. This CEO who has steered +$1BN businesses seemed to have a dawning of recognition and worth, his self-doubt faded a little more in the background as he took on the fact that he is a strategic and steady CEO. How about that?
Tips for handling self-doubt
If you’re experiencing self-doubt I recommend you
- check in with how else you see yourself
- what else do you know about yourself
- what value do you know you bring to your professional world that is worth crowing about.
The Self-Perception Tool (part of the Know Your Worth Program) is a really great way to connect back in with your value.